
Safe Space for Teens

Boys & Girls Club of Wichita
2400 Opportunity Drive (23rd and Grove)
316-201-1890 |
Offers programs for teens including education and career, sports, fitness and recreation, the arts, character and leadership, and health and life skills.

CrossRoads Emergency Shelter
1110 N Emporia St., Wichita, KS 67214
316-440-9300 |
CrossRoads Emergency Shelter is a daytime drop-in center for homeless youth and offers rest, laundry facilities, computer access, and showers. If you are in crisis, or need an emergency shelter, call the 316-262-HOME (4663). Or text the word SAFE and your location to 69866

National Runaway Safeline (24 hours)
Online Chat
Crisis intervention for teenagers  running from home or preparing to return home.

SafePlace – Wichita Children’s Home
Go to any QuikTrip, fire station, or anywhere with a Safe Place logo and ask an employee to call.
316-262-HOME (4663) Or text the word SAFE and your location to 69866

United Way Hotline
Dial *211
Will assist in finding help from thousands of non-profit and government human service programs.

Services for Trafficked/Exploited Youth

Exploited and Missing Children’s Unit (EMCU)
316-660-9486 |
Specialized unit that investigates crimes against children.

Street Outreach - Wichita Children’s Home
1157 North Emporia |
For immediate help call: 316-262-HOME (4663)
The Street Outreach Team offers mobile services including, crisis intervention, support, advocacy, and basic needs, 24 hours a day.  (Ages 12-21)

BRIDGES – Wichita Children’s Home
A 3-phase program providing housing, counseling, education, life skills coaching and vocational preparation for 16 to 23 year olds brought in to WCH for being “aged-out” of foster care, pregnancy, lacking coping skills or in need of a home and resources.

Child Advocacy Center of Sedgwick County
1211 S. Emporia | 316-660-9494
Provides advocacy and therapy services to children and youth who have experienced abuse, exploitation and/or human trafficking. By referral only.

Carpenter Place
1501 N Meridian Ave
316-942-3221 |
Faith-based agency providing residential care for girls in crisis ages 6-18.

National Human Trafficking Resource Center
24-hour Hotline: 1-888-373-7888 or text: HELP or INFO to 233733
This hotline, run by Polaris Project, will help you find local resources in your community to help victims begin the process of restoring their lives.

DCF Independent Living
555 S. Kansas Ave. 4th Floor, Topeka, KS 66603
The DCF Independent Living Program provides services and supports to youth for a successful transition to self-sufficiency. To be eligible for services and supports, young people must have experienced foster care at age 14 or older.

Medical/Health/Pregnancy Services

Sedgwick County Health Department
2716 West Central | 316-660-7300
Provides pregnancy testing, STD/HIV testing, Food Program and Healthy Baby program. Also provides immunization, services for the uninsured and underinsured and health resources.

1040 North West Street | 316-945-9400
Offers pregnancy services, STD testing, abortion recovery, education services, therapy.

Planned Parenthood
2226 E Central316-263-7575
Assists in women’s health and safety, preventing unintended pregnancies, and advancing the right and ability of individuals and families to make informed and responsible choices.

Healthcare Haven – Via Christi, Harry St.
3600 E Harry St, Wichita, KS 67218 | 316-689-5252
Full care and treatment to all victims of sexual violence. (By agency referral and appointment.)

Wesley Medical Center SANE/SART
550 N Hillside St, Wichita, KS 67214
Full care and treatment to all victims of sexual violence.

Healthy Babies – Sedgwick County Health Department
1900 E. 9th ST N., Wichita, KS 67214 | 316-660-7433
Healthy Babies is a FREE educational program for pregnant and recently delivered moms. Registered nurses and community liaisons provide group education, family support, in-office and home visits (as needed).

LGBTQA Youth Services

GLSEN—Greater Wichita
316-444-0071 |
Local affiliate of a national non-profit working to create safe spaces in schools for LGBTQ students.

The Center of Wichita | 316-285-0007
800 N. Market St. |
The Center of Wichita is a place to call home for Wichita's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Allied (LGBTQA) community and a safe space for youth ages 13-18.

The Trevor Project
866-488-7386  | Text Start to 678678 | Chat
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis and suicide intervention services for LGBTQ youth under the age of 25.

Dating/Sexual Violence

Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center (WASAC)
24-Hour Crisis Line 316-263-3002 Or 877-927-2248 Español: 316-263-2044
Free and confidential counseling, support, advocacy, and referrals for survivors of sexual violence.  One on one therapy and teen survivor groups available.

Family Crisis Center
24-Hour Hotline: 316-267-7233 (SAFE)
Safe/confidential housing, basic needs, advocacy, crisis and supportive counseling, domestic violence education, support groups, and agency referrals.

Harbor House
This shelter exists to help break the cycle of violence against women and their children by providing them a safe place to stay and support services like: counseling, education and referrals to community resources.

Statewide Crisis Line:
888-END-ABUSE (888-636-2287)
Information and referral to a local program.

Suicide Hotlines

Sedgwick County Crisis Line: 316-660-7500
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 | Text |
1-800-SUICIDE | Chat
For hearing and speech impaired: 1-800-799-4TTY
The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.